SPORTI prices

Payments and SPORTI fees

The participant pay a fee to SPORTI when they register and oay for your event. As an organizer you can decide if the SPORTI fee is to be added to your price or if you will increase your price and thereby hiding the SPORTI fee from the participant.

SPORTI's standard administration fee is DKK 8 - DKK 12 or DKK 16 depending on the total price (including value added tax).

The organizer also pays a credit card fee to Nets/Teller dependant on the choice of credit card used. We accept the most commonly used credit cards including MobilePay.

The payment from the participants is forwarded to your account when the event has begun unless otherwise agreed with SPORTI.


Our prices are based on a transactional fee per paid membership type. The fee depends on the sum of the total payment:

  • DKK 8,00 for amounts up to and including DKK 64,99
  • DKK 12,00 for amounts from DKK 65,00 to DKK 499,99
  • DKK 16,00 for amounts from DKK 500,00 and above.

As a club, you can choose whether the SPORTI fee should be added to the price, or whether the club pays, so that the SPORTI fee is deducted before payment to the club.

Note that there is also a payment fee (for Nets/Visa/MasterCard/MobilePay) that depends on which payment card is used. The payment fee will be deducted before payment to you. The fee for payment with Dankort is 0.32% of the purchase price and for other payment cards (within the EU/EEA) it is 1.2%. With a membership fee of DKK 400.00, a SPORTI fee will be DKK 12.00 and a payment fee of DKK 1.28 when paying with Dankort, and DKK 4.80 when paying with another payment card. If MobilePay is used, an additional DKK 1.00 fee is paid.